智联管理网最近碰到友问到Supplier Quality System Assessment质量保证体系相关英语审核厂清单,使我们只认识26个英语字母来说的人的确是一个难题,为了方便友友和自己的方便学习,留着以后有用,现将中英对照表进行相关的更新.
Section 1: Quality Management System 質量管理體系
1. Quality Function, ISO standard & Responsibilities 質量機能,ISO 標準&職責
2. Internal Audits Quality System and other Compliance 內部稽核質量體系和其他
3.Training for all Level of Organization 對組織各層次的訓練
Section 2: Resource Management and Capacity Planning 資源管理和能力培訓
4. New Product Introduction and Qualification Process 新產品介紹和承認過程
5. Capacity Planning 能力培訓
6. Change Management Process, Product and Material 管理過程,產品和物料變更
7. Process Capability / Process Characterization 制程能力和制程關鍵特性
8. Product & Process Quality Metric Review 產品&過程的質量基準檢討
9. Customer and Field Performance Quality Data 客戶和現場性能質量數據
10. Quality Data and Communication 質量數據和傳達
Section 3: Production Process 生產過程
11.Calibration System and Control 校驗系統和控制
12. Measurement System Analysis (Gauge R and R)量測系統分析
13. Control & Disposition of Non-conforming Material 不合格物料的控制和處理
14. Receiving Material Quality System and Procedure 進料質量系統和控制
15. Work Instructions for Manufacturing Processes 作業指導書和製造過程
16. Final Inspection and Acceptance Procedure 終檢和允收程序
17. Packaging, Storage, Shipping, Material Handling and Bar Code Requirements 包裝,儲 存,運輸,物料搬運和 Bar code 要求.
18. Housekeeping, POPI and Preventive Maintenance Housekeeping,知識產權和預防性的保持 Housekeeping
19. Out of Control Actions for an Internal Defect for Mfg/Assembly/Service Site 製造/組裝/服務 地點內部缺陷失控的措施
Section 4: Sub-Tier Quality Control and Quality Improvements 質量控制和質量改進
20. Sub-Tier Supplier Selection and Management 供應商的選擇和管理
21. Sub-Tier Supplier Corrective and Preventative Action 供應商的糾正和預防措施
22. Process Flow, FMEA, Control Plan and Statistical Tool 流程,FMEA,控制計劃和統計工具
23. Statistical Methods / SPC on Box X Dimensions 統計方法/ box X 尺寸 SPC
24. Problem Solving Techniques 問題解決技術
25. Continuous Improvement and Mistake Proofing 持續改進和缺點預防
SCORE 1: Unacceptable – This element is not included in the organization’s quality management system.
無法接受 – 這個要素沒有被組織的質量管理體系所包涵
SCORE 2: Unacceptable – Both planning and execution for this element require substantial improvement.
無法接受 – 這個要素的計劃和執行都需要進一步改進
SCORE 3: Marginally Acceptable – This element is included in the supplier’s quality management system and planning is adequate. However, execution requires improvement.
邊緣接受 – 此要素包含於供應商的質量體系,計劃比較完善。但執行情況仍需改進。
SCORE 4: Acceptable – This element is included in the supplier’s quality management system and is generally well-executed.
接受 – 此要素包含於供應商的質量體系且執行得相當完善
SCORE 5: Excellent – This element is included in the supplier’s Quality Process. Planning and execution are extremely thorough.
傑出 – 該要素包涵於供應商的質量過程中,計劃和實施都非常完善
SECTION 1: QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, Responsibility and Internal audit.
1. Quality Function, ISO Standard & Responsibilities質量機能,ISO標準&職責——品保
Is there a Quality function or organization which provides customer advocate guidance to the total organization, and is this position fully supported by management? Is the Organization’s quality management system properly documented, maintained and has measurement metric?是否存在一個質量部門或組織,它能夠為客戶提供整個組織的支持性的指導;並且它的地位得到管理層的鼎力支持?這個組織的質量管理體系是否恰當的文件化,維護和標準化?
· Organization has not achieved any ISO quality certification. 組織沒有完成任何ISO質量認證
·Organization does not have any quality manual.組織沒有任何質量手冊。
Organization has obtained ISO9000 level certification and certification has not expired.組織獲得ISO9001認證,並且在認證有效期內。
Supplier has Quality manual and policy statement well documented and signed by top management.供應商有質量手冊和形成文件的品質政策並且經過最高管理者簽名。
Organization has obtained ISO9001 and ISO 14000 certification and other nationally recognized quality certifications.組織已經獲得ISO9001和ISO14001認證和其他國際組織質量認證。 ————– 證書復印件
Supplier is regularly reviewing the regulatory agency requirement and keeping up compliance such OSHA, Rohs, EPA, Product Safety, ESD, and Contamination control etc… 供應商定期的檢查行銷處調整的需求,保持符合OSHA,Rohs,EPA,產品安全,除静电,污染控制等等。—————-管理審查報告,會議記錄(兩年)
The role of the Quality function is clearly defined. Quality manual is periodically reviewed by senior management and updated as necessary
In addition to ISO 9000, the organization has a plan to pursue a higher level quality certification or award (such as TL 9000, TS16949, Malcolm Bald ridge National Quality Award, etc.). 除了ISO9000,供應商已經或計劃進行一些更高級別的質量認證或獎項.——-QC080000
Quality function clearly serves in the customer advocacy role. 質量部門明確地扮演維護客戶利益地角色.——品質手冊—-職責
Management is supporting a Six Sigma or Zero defect and cycle time improvement program. 管理支持6西格瑪或零缺陷和週期時間改進項目————–綠帶培訓相關資料,項目
Quality system compliance annual audit is performed by external registrar and has very few findings.質量體系符合外部稽核員實施的年度稽核並且審核發現很少。——外審缺失匯總
The Quality function takes a leadership role in promoting the Six Sigma process, The Green Belt, Black Belt, lean enter prize or similar certification program is encouraged by management.質量部門在推進6sigma過程中擔任領導角色。管理層鼓勵綠帶,黑帶,傾向輸入獎勵或者相似認證項目
Senior Management regularly reviews effectiveness of the closed loop corrective action of the external audit findings.高層管理者定期的檢討外部稽核發現的改善措施的有效性。
The role of the Quality function is well recognized and supported by all levels of management (Quality metric is part of the business review). 所有級別地管理階層都清楚地認識到質量功能部門地作用並給予支持
The Organization works directly with Customers not only in resolving issues, but also in understanding Customers’ businesses/needs to anticipate their requirements. 組織直接管理的事項不僅包括幫助客戶解決問題,還包括充分理解客戶的業務/需求以及更好地預測他們地需求.